Beef Recipes

Slow cooked beef in a flavourful sauce containing shallots, tomato, Worcestershire, and cream. 

The classic Italian dish of beef and pork mince with tomato, garlic, onion, herbs cooked until deliciously flavourful and tender.

Perfectly seared steak, fresh herbs, salad leaves, vegetables and chilli covered in a salty, sweet, spicy and sour dressing.

Sausages served with a delicious onion gravy sauce featuring beef stock, herbs and of course onion.

The dish is made with beef, chili, and spices. It is a thick and meaty stew that is perfect for any cold evening.

It is made by cooking sausages in a curry sauce, which can be made with different spices and ingredients.

A burger whose patty has been smashed into thinly sliced onions.

 A stir-fry dish made with sliced beef, spring onions, garlic, and a sweet and savory sauce. The dish is often served with steamed rice and vegetables.

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