About A Hearty Dish
Hi, I’m Shaz and welcome to “a hearty dish”.
It’s “a hearty dish” because A) I’m a firm believer in good hearty sized meals that fill you up and don’t leave you hungry, and B) for me, cooking is from the heart. If I like you or love you – I cook for you. It’s my way of showing I care.
A hearty dish is my little corner of the internet where I can share my recipes and food with all my friends, family and of course, you.
My passion for food ignited when I left home at the age of 18. I was able to cook whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I dove deep into research, books, the internet, restaurants, so I could learn as much as I could. I wanted to learn every technique I could, every food pairing, every scientific fact WHY. I wanted to know it all.
In 2012 and 2013 I studied Patisserie Cert 3 and 4 and became a qualified Patissier/Pastry Chef. It was soon after this I wanted to start my food blog, but I talked myself out of it. I convinced myself it would flop, nobody would visit, and I’d just be wasting my time. And in the 10 years that followed, life happened. I studied and became a qualified Veterinary Nurse, animals being the other great passion in my life. I learned and grew even more as a chef. And finally 10 years later, I’ve decided, I don’t care. I don’t care if my website flops, or if nobody visits. I want a record of the food I create and the recipes I write for myself.
So Hi, I’m Shaz, the creator, author, web designer, photographer, chef and absolutely winging it 100% of the time. Nice to meet you xx
Meet The Team

Data Input Manager
(she walks over my keyboard)

Taste TesterÂ
(can sniff out food even in sleep)